
BIM model and specifications: The role of the BIM manager in successful implementation

The Building Information Modelling (BIM) model is a digital representation of a building that contains all relevant information about the project. The functional specification is a document that defines the requirements and specifications for a construction project. BIM and the specifications play a crucial role in construction projects as they enable efficient planning, coordination and implementation. Key takeaways BIM model and specifications are fundamental elements for the implementation of BIM projects. The BIM manager plays a [...]

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What are the daily tasks of a technical operations manager?

A technical operations manager is a key position in a company, especially in the manufacturing industry. This role encompasses a variety of responsibilities that help to ensure the smooth running of the business. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various roles of a technical operations manager and discuss why these responsibilities are so important. Key Takeaways Technical Operations Manager has responsibility for various areas Maintenance work must be planned and monitored Repair and maintenance activities must be coordinated

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Efficient asset management: how to optimise your plant maintenance

Asset management refers to the process of managing and maintaining an organisation's assets to ensure their optimal performance and lifespan. Efficient asset management is critical to the success of a business as it helps to reduce costs, increase productivity and maximise asset uptime. In this article, we will explore the importance of maintenance for asset management, strategies to optimise

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Efficient facility management with CAFM software: a comprehensive evaluation

Facility management is an important aspect for organisations to ensure that their operations run smoothly. It involves the management and maintenance of buildings, facilities and resources to create an optimal working environment. However, facility managers face a variety of challenges, such as maintenance, cost control and regulatory compliance. To overcome these challenges, the use of CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) software can be an effective solution. This

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Optimising maintenance processes: How CAFM software can help

In the facility management industry, maintenance processes are of great importance to ensure the proper functioning and smooth operation of buildings and facilities. Efficient maintenance is crucial to minimise downtime, extend the service life of facilities and ensure the safety of users. This is where CAFM software comes into play. CAFM stands for Computer-Aided Facility Management and refers to software solutions developed specifically for facility management. This software

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Efficient order management: What is order management and how can it optimise your company?

Efficient order management is of great importance for companies as it optimises the entire ordering process and improves customer satisfaction. Order management covers all steps from the customer's order to the delivery of the product or service. It is important that this process runs smoothly in order to save time and money and increase customer satisfaction. Definition of order management: what it is and why it is important Order management refers to

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CAFM software and SAP ERP: The future of facility management

Introduction Managing buildings and facilities is a complex task that requires an efficient and well-organised software solution. Two of the leading systems in this area are CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) software and SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for facility management. The integration of these two systems offers numerous advantages and is therefore of great importance. Advantages of integration The integration of CAFM software and SAP ERP enables optimised and efficient

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Efficient support processes: How you can optimise your customer service

Efficient support processes are of great importance for companies, as they have a direct impact on success and customer satisfaction. A well-functioning customer support process is crucial for solving customer questions and problems quickly and effectively. In this article, we will take a closer look at the importance of efficient support processes for your company and give you tips on how to analyse and improve your current support processes. The importance of efficient support processes for your organisation Efficient

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Efficient workplace management: how to optimise your working environment

Workplace management plays a crucial role in the success of an organisation. An efficient working environment can increase productivity, improve employee satisfaction and ultimately lead to better business results. In this article, we will take a closer look at the importance of efficient workplace management and provide tips on how to analyse and improve your working environment. Why efficient workplace management is important Efficient workplace management is crucial to the success of an organisation for several reasons

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Person analyses statistics on laptop screen.

Maximising returns through effective facility management - a contribution to budget ROI

Facility management is a crucial aspect of the property industry that ensures the smooth operation of buildings and facilities. It encompasses a variety of tasks ranging from the maintenance and upkeep of buildings to the management of services such as cleaning, security and energy supply. Facility management plays an important role in maximising the return on property investment, reducing operating costs, making effective use of technology, ensuring regular maintenance and improving the quality of service.

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Efficient asset management with software solutions: How to optimise the use of your resources

Asset management is an important aspect for companies to effectively manage and utilise their assets. It refers to the process of managing assets to maximise the value and profitability of the business. This includes the identification, valuation, procurement, utilisation and disposal of assets. In this article, we will explore the importance of asset management for organisations and how software solutions can help streamline this process.

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Efficient cleaning management: How to optimise your facility management processes

Efficient cleaning management is of great importance to ensure a clean and hygienic environment in buildings. Cleanliness plays an important role in people's well-being and can also have an impact on a company's productivity and image. To ensure efficient cleaning, professional cleaning management is required. This article discusses the basics of facility management, effective planning of cleaning processes, the use of technology, training

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Guidelines and considerations when selecting and introducing CAFM software

CAFM software (or computer-aided facility management software) is a digital solution used to manage and optimise building-related activities such as space management, maintenance and asset management. It is used in industries such as healthcare, education and manufacturing to optimise processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs. The functions of CAFM software include providing a centralised platform for managing all building-related data, automating processes, generating reports

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CAFM software: Is it better to buy standard software or develop your own CAFM software?

Deciding between buying off-the-shelf software or developing your own CAFM software can be a challenge. It is important to understand the pros and cons of both options and to consider the individual requirements of the organisation. Choosing off-the-shelf software benefits from already established functions and the ability to draw on a broad user base. This can save time and benefit from proven solutions. However, these software solutions may be

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