Maintenance strategy

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Predictive maintenance: Effective maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a strategic approach to maintaining machinery and equipment that aims to predict and prevent potential failures before they actually occur. This method uses data analyses and modern technologies to continuously monitor the condition of equipment. In contrast to reactive maintenance, where action is taken after a failure, or preventive maintenance, which is based on set time intervals, predictive maintenance allows [...]

Predictive maintenance: Effective maintenance Read more »

What are the challenges of maintaining buildings and systems?

The maintenance of buildings and facilities is an essential part of facility management. It comprises all technical, administrative and organisational measures to maintain or restore the functional condition of properties and technical facilities. The main tasks include preventive maintenance, inspection, repair and improvement. The importance of maintenance extends to various sectors such as industry, commerce and public facilities. It contributes significantly to value retention, operational safety and energy efficiency. Modern maintenance concepts take into account

What are the challenges of maintaining buildings and systems? Read more »

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