
The future of the Internet: Internet of Things

Das Internet der Dinge (IoT) ist ein Begriff, der in den letzten Jahren immer häufiger verwendet wird. Es bezieht sich auf die Vernetzung von physischen Geräten und Gegenständen, die über das Internet miteinander kommunizieren können. Das IoT hat das Potenzial, unseren Alltag und unsere Arbeitswelt grundlegend zu verändern. Es ist daher wichtig, das Konzept des IoT zu verstehen und seine Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Bereiche zu erkennen. Key Takeaways Das Internet […]

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CAFM software: Everything you need to know as a dummy ;-)

Are you new to the world of CAFM software and wondering what it's all about? In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know as a newbie. From the features and benefits of CAFM software to the different types available, we'll explore how it works and how you can choose the right one for your needs. Whether you're looking to implement CAFM software in your organisation or simply want more

CAFM software: Everything you need to know as a dummy ;-) Read more »

Photo Digitalisation in facility management

Digitalisation in facility management: efficient processes and cost savings

Digitalisation has affected and changed all industries in recent years. Facility management has not been spared from this trend either. In this article, we will look at the importance of digitalisation in facility management and highlight the benefits, challenges and solutions as well as the future prospects of this development. Key takeaways Digitalisation in facility management means the integration of technologies and data into the management of buildings and facilities. Advantages

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Optimise photo cleaning management with CAFM

Optimise cleaning management with CAFM

The cleaning industry plays an important role in our society, as it is responsible for cleanliness and hygiene in various areas. Effective cleaning management is essential in order to manage these tasks efficiently. In recent years, Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) has also established itself as a valuable tool in the cleaning industry. In this article, we will provide a detailed insight into cleaning management and CAFM and explain the benefits of

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