
Opportunities and risks for facility management in the property crisis

Facility-Management ist ein Begriff, der sich auf die Verwaltung und den Betrieb von Gebäuden und Anlagen bezieht. Es umfasst eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben, wie beispielsweise die Instandhaltung von Gebäuden, die Sicherstellung der Gebäude- und Anlagenverfügbarkeit, die Überwachung von Energieverbrauch und Umweltauswirkungen sowie die Planung und Durchführung von Renovierungs- und Umbaumaßnahmen. In der Immobilienbranche spielt Facility-Management eine entscheidende Rolle. Es trägt dazu bei, den Wert von Immobilien zu erhalten und zu […]

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Efficient workplace management: optimising the use of resources with desk sharing

The concept of desk sharing is becoming increasingly popular in the modern working world. Companies are looking for ways to utilise their workstations more efficiently and at the same time meet the needs of their employees. Desk sharing offers a solution to this challenge by allowing workstations to be shared. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what desk sharing is, how it works and the benefits it brings to both organisations and employees.

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Proptech start-ups in facility management: How VC investments are driving CREM and real estate software forward

Proptech start-ups are important in facility management. They use IT technology to make properties more efficient and sustainable. In this article, we look at their role and importance to the industry. Revolutionary ideas for facility management from proptech startups Proptech startups have developed a variety of innovative ideas and solutions for facility management. One example of this is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to connect buildings and collect data in real time.

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IT trends 2024

Which IT trends will be important in 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it is essential for organisations to stay ahead of the latest IT trends in order to remain competitive and relevant. The year 2024 is upon us and will see significant advances in the technology landscape, with several key trends set to shape the IT industry. From the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) to the growing influence of 5G technology, these trends are set to transform the

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Why digitalisation is progressing so slowly in Germany

Die digitale Innovation spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der heutigen Weltwirtschaft. Unternehmen, die in der Lage sind, innovative digitale Lösungen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, haben einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil. Deutschland, als eine der größten Volkswirtschaften der Welt, steht jedoch vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen bei der Förderung der digitalen Innovation. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns mit den wichtigsten Hindernissen befassen, die Deutschland auf dem Weg zur digitalen Innovation überwinden

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ESG in facility management: How companies can achieve their sustainability goals

Introduction ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a term that has become increasingly important in recent years. Especially in facility management, ESG plays an important role as it helps organisations to implement sustainable practices in their operations. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of ESG and its importance in facility management. What is ESG and why is it important in facility management? ESG refers to

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MPG software for the future of medicine: innovations and trends

MPG software (MPG = Medical Devices Act) plays a crucial role in the medical industry. This software enables medical professionals to manage, monitor and control medical devices and products. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of MPG software in the medical industry and provide an overview of the various topics covered in this post. The importance of innovation in MPG software Innovation drives the development of MPG software

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