Definition of

The role of the software implementation consultant

The role of the software implementation consultant is crucial to the success of software implementation projects in organisations. An implementation consultant is responsible for ensuring the smooth introduction of new software solutions and that they meet the organisation's requirements and objectives. Without the expertise and guidance of an implementation consultant, implementation projects could be chaotic and ineffective, resulting in wasted time and resources. Therefore, the role of the software implementation consultant is critical to the success [...]

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What is the difference between property management and asset management?

Property management and asset management are two important terms in the property sector that are often confused. Both play a crucial role in the management of property, but have different tasks and responsibilities. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the definitions, tasks and co-operation between property management and asset management. Definition of property management Property management refers to the management of property on behalf of the owner. The

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Successful project management: tips and tricks

Project management is an important process in companies that is used to plan, organise, control and monitor complex tasks in order to achieve the desired goals. It is crucial as it helps companies to use their resources efficiently, minimise risks and improve the quality of their products or services. In addition, project management enables a clear definition of responsibilities and tasks, which leads to better teamwork.

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Efficient management of debtors

Accounts receivable play a crucial role for companies as they have a major impact on liquidity and profitability. Effective accounts receivable management is therefore of great importance to minimise payment delays and defaults. In this blog post, we will explore and discuss various strategies and measures to improve accounts receivable management. Key Takeaways Accounts receivable are customers who owe money to the organisation and play an important role in financial planning. Effective strategies

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Cloud computing: the future of data processing

Cloud computing is a technology that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows organisations and individuals to store and access their data and applications in the cloud rather than storing them locally on their own devices. In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at cloud computing, explore its benefits for businesses and individuals, and discuss the differences and similarities between cloud computing and traditional computing.

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Optimisation of accounts payable processes

The optimisation of accounts payable processes is an important step for companies to increase their efficiency and productivity. Accounts payable processes include all activities associated with the processing of invoices and payments to suppliers. This includes entering invoices, checking invoice data, authorising payments and posting payments to the system. Optimising these processes is important in order to identify and eliminate bottlenecks and weak points. Through

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Effective talent management: strategies for successful employee development

Talent management is an important aspect of today's business world. Organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of talent management to their success and competitiveness. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of talent management, discuss its definition, objectives and benefits, and present various strategies for identifying and developing talent within an organisation. We will also highlight the role of leaders in talent management processes and the challenges organisations face when implementing talent management.

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Efficient space management for companies.

Efficient space management is an important aspect for companies to optimise the use of their resources and increase their productivity. It refers to the efficient use of rooms and spaces in a company to analyse and optimise space requirements and usage. Efficient space management is of great importance as it helps organisations to reduce costs, improve employee satisfaction and increase efficiency. Definition of efficient space management Efficient

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Optimise space management with CAFM software

CAFM software stands for Computer Aided Facility Management and refers to the use of software to manage buildings and facilities. An important component of CAFM is space management, which deals with the efficient utilisation of rooms and spaces. In this article, we will take a closer look at the importance of space management in CAFM software. Key takeaways Space management in CAFM software refers to the management and optimisation of space and facilities.

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Sustainability in the property sector: challenges and opportunities

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the property sector. In times of climate change and increasing environmental pollution, it is important that the property industry also makes its contribution to sustainability. The aim of this blog post is to highlight the definition, challenges, opportunities and implementation possibilities of sustainability in the property industry. Key takeaways Sustainability in the property industry means taking ecological, social and economic aspects into account. The implementation of sustainable property projects is fraught with challenges

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The future of the Internet: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that has been used more and more frequently in recent years. It refers to the networking of physical devices and objects that can communicate with each other via the internet. The IoT has the potential to fundamentally change our everyday lives and our working world. It is therefore important to understand the concept of IoT and recognise its impact on different areas. Key takeaways The Internet

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Optimise photo cleaning management with CAFM

Optimise cleaning management with CAFM

The cleaning industry plays an important role in our society, as it is responsible for cleanliness and hygiene in various areas. Effective cleaning management is essential in order to manage these tasks efficiently. In recent years, Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) has also established itself as a valuable tool in the cleaning industry. In this article, we will provide a detailed insight into cleaning management and CAFM and explain the benefits of

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What is NIS2?

The EU Cybersecurity Act is an important step towards strengthening cybersecurity in the European Union. A central component of this act is NIS2, the second Network and Information Security Act. NIS2 aims to improve the security of networks and information systems in the EU and increase resilience to cyberattacks. In this article, we will take a closer look at NIS2 and discuss its significance for companies and operators of critical infrastructures.

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What is the difference between operating leasing and finance leasing?

Leasing is an important financing method for companies, especially those that need to make large investments but do not have sufficient capital. It allows them to use assets such as machinery, vehicles or property without having to buy them. There are different types of leases, including operating leases and finance leases. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of leases and analyse their impact on businesses. Key Takeaways

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Efficient order management: What is order management and how can it optimise your company?

Efficient order management is of great importance for companies as it optimises the entire ordering process and improves customer satisfaction. Order management covers all steps from the customer's order to the delivery of the product or service. It is important that this process runs smoothly in order to save time and money and increase customer satisfaction. Definition of order management: what it is and why it is important Order management refers to

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CAFM consulting: How you can optimise your work processes and save time

Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) is an important part of facility management and plays a crucial role for organisations. CAFM refers to the use of computer technology to support the management of buildings, facilities and resources. It provides a centralised platform on which all relevant information and processes can be managed. In this article, we will take a closer look at CAFM and examine its importance for organisations. Definition of CAFM

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Budget deficit: what it means and how it affects our economy

It is important to understand the concept of a budget deficit as it can have a significant impact on the economy. A budget deficit occurs when a budget's expenditure exceeds its income. This can lead to debt and have long-term consequences for the economy. In this article, we will take a closer look at the concept of a budget deficit and analyse its impact on the economy. What is a budget deficit? A budget deficit occurs when

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