
What are the daily tasks of a technical operations manager?

Ein technischer Betriebsleiter ist eine Schlüsselposition in einem Unternehmen, insbesondere in der Fertigungsindustrie. Diese Rolle umfasst eine Vielzahl von Verantwortlichkeiten, die dazu beitragen, den reibungslosen Betrieb des Unternehmens sicherzustellen. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Aufgaben eines technischen Betriebsleiters genauer betrachten und diskutieren, warum diese Verantwortlichkeiten so wichtig sind. Key Takeaways Technischer Betriebsleiter trägt Verantwortung für verschiedene Bereiche Wartungsarbeiten müssen geplant und überwacht werden Reparatur- und Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen müssen koordiniert […]

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CAFM consultants: How to successfully tender and implement CAFM systems

Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) is an important part of facility management. It is a software solution that helps organisations to manage their buildings and facilities efficiently. In this blog post, we will look at the role of a CAFM consultant and why a successful tender and implementation of CAFM systems is important. Key takeaways A CAFM consultant supports the introduction and optimisation of CAFM systems. Successful tendering and implementation of CAFM systems

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Efficient building management solutions: How CAFM and Green IT promote sustainability

Sustainable building management is becoming increasingly important in today's world. In the face of increasing environmental impact and climate change, it is crucial that organisations manage and operate their buildings sustainably. In this blog post, we will look at the topic of sustainable facility management and in particular the role of CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) and Green IT in this area. Key takeaways CAFM supports building management through centralised management

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Opportunities and risks for facility management in the property crisis

Facility management is a term that refers to the management and operation of buildings and facilities. It encompasses a wide range of tasks, such as maintaining buildings, ensuring the availability of buildings and facilities, monitoring energy consumption and environmental impact, and planning and implementing renovation and remodelling measures. Facility management plays a crucial role in the property sector. It helps to maintain and increase the value of properties.

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Implementing SAP: Important tips and tricks for a smooth start

SAP is a leading global provider of business software and solutions for business processes. SAP software is used by companies in various industries to optimise their business processes and increase their efficiency. In this article, we will take a closer look at the importance of SAP for businesses and discuss the different aspects of implementing SAP in an organisation. Key Takeaways SAP is of great importance to organisations as it provides a comprehensive solution for

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How do I create a preventive maintenance plan for machines and systems?

Preventive maintenance is an important part of the operation of machines and systems in companies. Regular inspections, cleaning and the replacement of wearing parts can prevent downtime, extend the service life of machines and save costs. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the importance of a preventive maintenance plan and provide tips on planning and implementation. Key takeaways A preventive maintenance plan is important to minimise downtime and repair costs. Machines and equipment,

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Efficient operations management in industry: how CAFM software can help

CAFM software stands for Computer-Aided Facility Management and refers to a software solution that supports companies in managing and controlling their operational processes. This type of software is particularly important in industry, as it helps to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs and improve quality and safety. Key Takeaways CAFM software is a software solution for efficient operations management in industry. Efficient operations management brings many

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Smart rooms and buildings: areas of application in facility management

Smart rooms and buildings are playing an increasingly important role in facility management. With the help of smart technologies, rooms and buildings can be managed and operated more efficiently. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of smart rooms and buildings in facility management and discuss the various applications, benefits and challenges. Key Takeaways Smart rooms and buildings are equipped with technologies that enable automated control and monitoring. In the facility

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Comparison of databases: Oracle, Microsoft and MySQL - Which is the best choice?

Databases play a crucial role for companies as they form the basis for storing and managing data. They enable companies to organise and retrieve large amounts of information efficiently. A well-designed and powerful database can increase productivity, ensure data integrity and support decision-making. A comparison of different databases is important to make the right choice for the organisation. Each database has its own

Comparison of databases: Oracle, Microsoft and MySQL - Which is the best choice? Read more »

The importance of master data maintenance in CAFM software: why it is indispensable

Master data maintenance is an essential part of facility management and refers to the management and updating of basic information about buildings, facilities and resources. This master data is recorded and managed centrally in the CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) software. This includes information such as locations, room data, inventory lists, maintenance plans and contract data. CAFM software is a special software solution that helps companies to organise their facility management processes more efficiently. It enables the centralised

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Property profit centre calculation: an element in the profitability analysis of buildings

Property profit centre accounting is an important tool in the field of property management. It makes it possible to analyse and evaluate the profitability of real estate properties. In this article, we will take a closer look at property profit centre accounting and explain its importance for property management. Key takeaways Real estate profit centre accounting is a method for analysing the profitability of real estate. It is important for assessing the profitability of property investments. Factors such as rental income, operating costs and investments are taken into account.

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Efficient order management: How to optimise your processes and save time

Efficient order management is crucial for the smooth running of a company. It enables effective processing of orders, optimal communication with customers and suppliers and minimisation of errors and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will take a closer look at the importance of efficient order management and discuss various measures to optimise processes. Why efficient order management is important Efficient order management has a direct impact on business processes and customer satisfaction.

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Efficient workplace management: optimising the use of resources with desk sharing

The concept of desk sharing is becoming increasingly popular in the modern working world. Companies are looking for ways to utilise their workstations more efficiently and at the same time meet the needs of their employees. Desk sharing offers a solution to this challenge by allowing workstations to be shared. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what desk sharing is, how it works and the benefits it brings to both organisations and employees.

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Property valuation for commercial properties: Income value, factor and yield in the rental appraisal

Property valuation is a process in which the value of a property is determined. This value can be important for various purposes, such as buying or selling a property, lending or insurance. Commercial property valuation is the valuation of property used for commercial purposes, such as office buildings, retail space or industrial facilities. Commercial properties generally have a higher value than

Property valuation for commercial properties: Income value, factor and yield in the rental appraisal Read more »

What is the difference between operating leasing and finance leasing?

Leasing is an important financing method for companies, especially those that need to make large investments but do not have sufficient capital. It allows them to use assets such as machinery, vehicles or property without having to buy them. There are different types of leases, including operating leases and finance leases. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of leases and analyse their impact on businesses. Key Takeaways

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Costs of CAFM software

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at CAFM software and its costs. We will explore its features, benefits and the costs associated with its implementation in depth. CAFM, an acronym for Computer-Aided Facility Management, is undoubtedly a powerful tool that offers a variety of features to optimise and simplify facility management processes. From efficiently managing spaces and maintenance to increasing energy efficiency and cost savings, CAFM software

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Efficient asset management: how to optimise your plant maintenance

Asset management refers to the process of managing and maintaining an organisation's assets to ensure their optimal performance and lifespan. Efficient asset management is critical to the success of a business as it helps to reduce costs, increase productivity and maximise asset uptime. In this article, we will explore the importance of maintenance for asset management, strategies to optimise

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Efficient facility management with CAFM, BIM and CAD

Efficient facility management plays a decisive role for companies in optimising their operating processes and reducing costs. But what exactly is facility management? Facility management encompasses the administration and management of a company's buildings, facilities and infrastructure. This involves not only the maintenance and operation of properties, but also the organisation of services such as cleaning, security or energy supply. Efficient facility management is essential for

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Proptech start-ups in facility management: How VC investments are driving CREM and real estate software forward

Proptech start-ups are important in facility management. They use IT technology to make properties more efficient and sustainable. In this article, we look at their role and importance to the industry. Revolutionary ideas for facility management from proptech startups Proptech startups have developed a variety of innovative ideas and solutions for facility management. One example of this is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to connect buildings and collect data in real time.

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The limits of CAFM software: where technology reaches its limits

CAFM stands for Computer-Aided Facility Management and refers to the use of software to support the management and organisation of buildings, facilities and resources. It includes various functions such as room and space management, maintenance, energy management and document management. CAFM software enables companies to manage their properties more efficiently, reduce costs and optimise operations. The importance of CAFM for digitalisation lies in the fact that it helps companies to optimise their processes.

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