
Corporate taxation

What to do in the event of a tax audit?

In Germany, tax audits (or company audits) are a topic that is often associated with nervousness and uncertainty for companies. It is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity to check tax compliance and the efficiency of company management. During a tax audit, companies can face various challenges that need to be overcome. In order to successfully prepare for a tax audit (and they come sooner rather than later, with [...]

What to do in the event of a tax audit? Read more »

Corporate tax: limited liability companies, sole proprietorships and liberal professions

Corporate taxes are a key source of revenue for the state to finance public spending. They are levied on company profits and income, whereby the amount can vary depending on the legal form and sector. The tax burden has a significant impact on the financial situation of companies, which is why a thorough examination of tax aspects and possible optimisation strategies is essential. In Germany, corporate taxation is based on the Income Tax Act (EStG) and the Corporation Tax Act (KStG). Corporations such as GmbHs are subject to

Corporate tax: limited liability companies, sole proprietorships and liberal professions Read more »

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