
10 exceptional management books that could change your career

Whether it is about Personnel management, Project management or Change management geht – die richtige Lektüre kann den Unterschied in Ihrer Karriere oder für Ihr Unternehmen und Team ausmachen. In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir Ihnen zehn außergewöhnliche Bücher, die nicht nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar sind, sondern auch im Internet (Sie ahnen es schon…bei Am*z*n und im gut sortierten Buchhandel vor Ort) erhältlich sind. Diese Werke zeichnen sich durch ihre praktischen Ansätze und tiefen Einblicke in verschiedene Aspekte der Unternehmensführung aus. Wir setzten übrigens none Advertising links, but you can use the title and author(s) for your search 🙂



Book 1: "The 7 Ways to Effectiveness" by Stephen R. Covey

This book is considered a classic in the field of time management and personal development. Covey conveys principles that can be applied in both professional and personal life.

Book 2: "Lean Startup" by Eric Ries

An indispensable work for anyone who wants to get to grips with innovation management. Ries shows how companies can efficiently develop new products.

Book 3: "Leading, promoting, coaching" by Hofer & Moser

This book offers valuable insights into management style and leadership and shows how modern management can be successfully implemented.

Book 4: "The Harvard Concept" by Roger Fisher and William Ury

Three principles for negotiating - a must-read for anyone involved in conflict management who wants to learn more about effective communication strategies.

Book 5: "Agile project management with Scrum" by Roman Pichler

Pichler guides you through the basics of agile project management and explains the Advantages of this method for modern companies.

Book 6: "The path to becoming a successful entrepreneur" by Günter Faltin

A guide for all budding entrepreneurs that provides practical tips on business management.

Book 7: "The Mindset of Success" by Carol S. Dweck

Dweck's concept of growth mindset has major implications for learning and Growth both professionally and personally.

Book 8: "Resilience in change management" by Michael J. Marquardt

A deep insight into Change management bietet dieses Buch, das Strategien zur Anpassung an Veränderungen behandelt.

Book 9: "Crisis Management: Strategies for Companies" by Richard Kearney

Kearney presents proven methods for coping with crisis situations - essential for every company in uncertain times.

Book 10: "Goal setting made easy" by Brian Tracy

Activate your goals effectively! Tracy provides you with tools to successfully realise your goals and planning.


Each of these books offers valuable insights and techniques to help you advance your career. Whether you are focussing on Risk management, Quality managementor Process optimisation These books are an excellent investment in your personal development as a manager.


Here are our tips in detail:

1. "Lead, Perform, Live" by Fredmund Malik

In his groundbreaking work "Lead, perform, live" Fredmund Malik offers a comprehensive presentation of management that combines both theoretical and practical aspects. Malik, a renowned management expert, sheds light on the decisive factors for successful corporate management and shows how managers can make their organisations more effective.

The book is divided into three main sections:

  • Lead: Here Malik presents the key principles that characterise a good manager. He covers topics such as Employee management, Communication strategies and the understanding of individual strengths within a team.
  • Mouldings: This section is about performance in organisations. Malik explains how important it is to set clear goals and achieve them systematically. The concept of goal setting and planning is discussed in detail.
  • Life: The final section addresses the balance between professional success and personal well-being. Here it is made clear that sustainable success is only possible through a healthy working environment and personal satisfaction.

"Management means not only leading, but also achieving results and shaping the lives of employees in a positive way." - Fredmund Malik

Malik's approach promotes a deep understanding of Change management and Resource managementby emphasising that managers must not only think strategically, but should also be empathetic. This combination of skills helps to effectively overcome challenges in the corporate context.

Regardless of whether you are in a management position or aspire to develop your skills in the area of Corporate management, Crisis management or Innovation management expand - "Führen, Leisten, Leben" is an essential book for your personal library. It is thought-provoking and offers valuable tools for improving your leadership skills.

Clear structure and practical examples!

2. "Lean Startup: Founding a company quickly, risk-free and successfully" by Eric Ries

"Lean Startup" by Eric Ries is a groundbreaking book that helps companies stay innovative while minimising risk. At a time when markets are changing rapidly and new technologies are constantly appearing on the scene, this work offers a practical guide for founders and managers who want to increase the success of their products.

The central concept of the book comprises three fundamental principles:

  • Build-Measure-Learn: This iterative process encourages companies to quickly develop a minimum viable product (MVP) and then test it on the market. The aim is to collect valuable feedback and continuously adapt the product.
  • Validated learning processes: Ries emphasises the importance of experimentation and data collection. Through targeted analyses, companies can learn what really works and what doesn't - an essential skill in the field of Risk management.
  • Pivot or Persevere: After analysing the feedback, companies must decide whether they should change their approach (pivot) or maintain it (persevere). This step is crucial for long-term strategy development.

"The right mindset is crucial. It's not about finding the perfect solution; it's about testing the best hypothesis as quickly as possible." - Eric Ries

One particularly exciting aspect of the book is the reference to the digital age. Ries shows how companies can optimise their processes through the use of modern technologies - a topic of great importance for the Facility Management.

Thanks to its clear structure and practice-orientated approach, "Lean Startup" offers valuable insights for managing directors and young entrepreneurs. It encourages flexible thinking and proactive design of innovative solutions in a dynamic environment.

For anyone who is interested in Corporate management, Innovation management or even Objectives and planning this book is essential reading.

3. "The decision is yours!" by Reinhard K. Sprenger

In "The decision is yours!" by Reinhard K. Sprenger, a crucial message is conveyed: Taking responsibility is the key to real success. Sprenger, a renowned management and leadership expert, encourages his readers to take control of their decisions and not simply accept circumstances as given.

The book is divided into several exciting chapters that deal with various aspects of management and self-determination:

  • Personal responsibility: Sprenger argues that real change can only be achieved through personal responsibility. He shows how individual decisions can positively influence the working environment and company management.
  • Management style: The author sheds light on different leadership styles and their effects on employees and the company. An empathetic and supportive leadership style is emphasised as being particularly effective.
  • Change management: In a time of change, it is essential that managers not only manage change, but also actively initiate it. Sprenger offers practical tips for implementing change management processes.

"Anyone can decide. The question is: Do you do it?" - Reinhard K. Sprenger

One of the outstanding features of this book is its practical approach. Sprenger uses vivid examples from the business world to support his theses and show readers concrete options for action. This makes the book not only theoretically valuable, but also relevant to everyday life for managers in various industries.

For professionals in the Personnel managementthat deal with Crisis management, Customer relationship management or even Resource management This book offers a valuable perspective on the role of decision-makers in the organisation.

"The decision is up to you!" encourages reflection and promotes a proactive attitude towards challenges in business life.

4. "The Harvard Concept: The Negotiation Classic" by Roger Fisher and William Ury

"The Harvard Concept: The Classic of Negotiation" by Roger Fisher and William Ury is an indispensable work for all those who work in the field of negotiation. Conflict management and Communication strategy want to develop further. The authors present an innovative approach to negotiation based on co-operation and mutual understanding. This book has not only proven itself in academia, but is also appreciated by executives worldwide.

The four basic principles of the Harvard concept

  • Treat people and problems separately: Fisher and Ury emphasise that it is important to block out personal emotions in negotiations. By focussing on the problems and not on the people, a constructive discussion can emerge.
  • Interests instead of positions: Instead of adopting fixed positions, the parties involved should disclose their interests. This promotes mutual understanding and creates space for creative solutions.
  • Develop mutually beneficial options: In the sense of a win-win situation, the aim is to develop various possible solutions. The more options that are presented, the greater the likelihood of finding a solution that is acceptable to both sides.
  • Criteria for the assessment of solutions: An objective standard is crucial for fair decisions. Fisher and Ury recommend using standards that both parties can recognise as legitimate.

"Negotiation is an art of give and take - the key is collaboration." - Roger Fisher

One of the special features of this book is its practical application. The authors use numerous examples from different areas of life - whether in companies or in the private sphere - to support their arguments. This makes it clear that effective communication and negotiation skills are not only necessary in critical situations, but also in everyday life.

The Harvard concept not only offers valuable techniques to improve your skills in the Managementbut also promotes your personal development as a manager. It shows how misunderstandings can be avoided through targeted communication - an essential aspect of both personnel management and corporate management.

Therefore, "The Harvard Concept" is not only worth reading, but represents a valuable investment and offers you the opportunity to sharpen your negotiation skills and advance your career in (facility?) management.

5. "Scrum: The art of simply doing" by Jeff Sutherland

„Scrum: Die Kunst des einfachen Machens“ von Jeff Sutherland ist ein wegweisendes Buch, das insbesondere für Führungskräfte und Projektmanager von großer Bedeutung ist. Sutherland, einer der Pioniere agiler Methoden, bietet in diesem Werk einen tiefen Einblick in die Scrum-Methodik und zeigt auf, wie diese Struktur nicht nur die Efficiency but also strengthens the team spirit within organisations.

The book is clearly structured and explains the basic principles of Scrum, which can be used both for Project management as well as for Corporate management are decisive:

  • Transparency: A key feature of Scrum is the creation of a transparent working environment. Sutherland explains how important it is that all team members are informed about progress and challenges.
  • Collaboration: The focus is on teamwork. Regular meetings - known as "scrum meetings" - ensure that everyone pulls in the same direction.
  • Iterative progress: Scrum promotes an iterative approach in which projects are worked on in small sections (sprints). This minimises risks and enables rapid adjustments.

"The simplest solutions are often the best. Reduce the effort and increase the value." - Jeff Sutherland

Sutherland backs up his arguments with numerous real-life examples in which companies have been able to realise their potential through the Implementation significant improvements with Scrum. He repeatedly emphasises the potential of this method in the context of the Change managementas it is ideally suited to changing market conditions.

Whether you are in IT management, in the Resource management or in the Employee management Scrum: The Art of Simply Doing" offers you valuable tools to improve the way you work. This book encourages you to question outdated processes and pursue innovative approaches.

Thanks to its clear language and practical tips, this book is a worthwhile investment in your career as a manager or project manager.

6 "Radically digital" by Reinhard Karger et al.

„Radikal digital“ von Reinhard Karger und seinen Co-Autoren ist ein fesselndes Werk, das die digitale Transformation in Unternehmen beleuchtet und deren Bedeutung für das Management herausstellt. In einer Welt, in der Technologie eine immer zentralere Rolle spielt, bietet dieses Buch Führungskräften und Managern wertvolle Einsichten, wie sie die digitalen Herausforderungen erfolgreich meistern können.

The book is divided into several central topics that are of crucial importance for corporate management:

  • Digital transformation: Karger explains what is meant by digital transformation and why it is not only important, but essential for companies. Practical examples from various industries are used to make the change tangible.
  • Technological trends: The book provides an overview of current technological Developments like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) und Blockchain und erläutert, wie diese Technologien aktiv in die Corporate strategy can be integrated.
  • Cultural change: Another important point is the need for a change in the Corporate culture. Karger zeigt auf, wie eine offene und innovationsfreundliche Corporate culture geschaffen werden kann – ein entscheidender Aspekt im Change management.

"The digital revolution is not a question of if, but how." - Reinhard Karger

One of the outstanding features of this book is its practical approach: The authors provide concrete recommendations for implementing digital strategies in day-to-day business. They encourage managers to boldly break new ground and recognise the potential for innovation - a key skill in modern business. Management.

"Radically digital" is aimed at all those who IT management, Project management or in the Corporate management and are prepared to question their way of thinking. It encourages people not only to react to technological changes, but also to actively shape them.

For those executives and managers who want to deal with the challenges of the digital world - whether in the area of Data management, Customer relationship management this book is a valuable read. It offers you a comprehensive toolkit for successfully navigating digital change.

7 "The five dysfunctions of a team" by Patrick Lencioni

In his book "The five dysfunctions of a team" Patrick Lencioni sheds light on the most common problems that prevent teams from working together effectively and achieving their goals. This work is not only relevant for managers, but also for any team member interested in improving collaboration.

Lencioni identifies five central dysfunctions that occur in many teams:

  • Lack of trust: In an environment where employees are afraid to show weaknesses or ask for help, a vicious circle is created. Trust is the basis for any effective collaboration.
  • Fear of conflict: Teams that are unable to hold open discussions often avoid productive discussions. This leads to unspoken issues and ultimately to dissatisfaction.
  • Lack of commitment: If not all team members are involved in decisions, there can be a lack of commitment. A common understanding of the goals is essential.
  • Irresponsibility: A team member can easily talk themselves out of it or abdicate responsibility if there are no clear responsibilities. Everyone should be responsible for each other.
  • Inattentive to results: Finally, Lencioni emphasises that teams often run the risk of putting personal goals above team goals. Success can only be achieved if everyone is focussed on the common result.

"A good team is more than the sum of its parts." - Patrick Lencioni

Lencioni uses an engaging narrative style and presents his theses in the form of a fictional story about a management team. This approach makes the book not only informative but also entertaining - a combination that encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and make possible improvements.

For managers in the area of Employee management, Team leadershipor even in the Crisis managementThis book offers valuable insights into building a strong and effective team. Implementing Lencioni's principles can make a decisive contribution to increasing team performance and thus also to improving overall corporate management.

8. "The path to becoming a successful entrepreneur" by Stefan Merath

"The path to becoming a successful entrepreneur" by Stefan Merath is an inspiring book aimed at anyone who has the courage to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Merath, himself a successful entrepreneur and coach, not only offers valuable insights into the art of entrepreneurship in this book, but also practical tips on how to become a successful entrepreneur. Corporate management.

The book is divided into several main subject areas:

  • The right attitude: Merath emphasises that the key to entrepreneurial success lies in the mindset. A positive and proactive mindset is crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving your own goals.
  • Customer orientation: Understanding the needs and wishes of customers is presented as a central pillar of business success. The author shows how important it is to build relationships with customers and maintain them on an ongoing basis.
  • Efficient Time management: Time management is crucial for every entrepreneur. Merath provides valuable strategies for time planning and prioritising tasks - an essential aspect of effective business management. Resource management.

"A successful entrepreneur doesn't just think about profit, but also about creating added value." - Stefan Merath

One of the outstanding features of this book is the combination of theoretical approaches and practical examples. Merath illustrates his theories with stories from his own entrepreneurial career as well as case studies of other successful companies. This makes his advice comprehensible and applicable.

For budding entrepreneurs or experienced managers in the ManagementFor those who want to take their business to the next level, "The path to becoming a successful entrepreneur" offers valuable insights and suggestions. It encourages you not only to rethink your strategic planning, but also to actively shape your personal development path as a manager.

This book is a worthwhile investment in your entrepreneurial journey. Read this book and be inspired - because you might just be the next successful entrepreneur!

9. "How to win friends" by Dale Carnegie (German edition)

"How to Win Friends" by Dale Carnegie is a timeless classic that is not only considered a self-help book, but also contains indispensable lessons for the Management conveys. In his work, Carnegie shows how important interpersonal relationships are for personal and professional success. In a world where networking and teamwork are becoming increasingly important, Carnegie's principles offer valuable approaches for effective teamwork. Employee management and successful Communication strategies.

The key principles of the book

  • Avoid criticism: Carnegie emphasises the importance of positive communication. Instead of criticising mistakes or grievances, people should focus on highlighting the strengths of others. This promotes a positive working environment and strengthens trust within the team.
  • Show interest: People feel valued when they realise that others are genuinely interested in them. Carnegie encourages managers to actively listen and show genuine interest in the concerns of their employees.
  • Use the name: A person's name is the most beautiful word for them. Carnegie emphasises how important it is to use other people's names - it shows respect and appreciation.

"The only way to win people over is to make them want to work." - Dale Carnegie

In his book, Carnegie uses numerous examples from everyday life and the business world to illustrate his principles. These practical stories make the content comprehensible and easy to apply.

Whether in the Crisis management, with the Objectives and planningor when leading a team - "How to win friends" provides valuable impulses for improving your interpersonal relationships. Applying these principles can not only strengthen your communication skills, but also positively influence your entire career in management.

Dale Carnegie's work is a worthwhile investment in your personal development. Read this book and discover the power of interpersonal relationships in your professional life!

10 "Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (German edition)

"Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur is an indispensable work for anyone who is interested in business models. Corporate management and innovation. At a time when business models are changing rapidly, this book offers a structured method for developing and analysing business models. The authors, both experts in the field of knowledge managementThe company's experts present their concepts in an accessible and visual way that is suitable for both experienced managers and newcomers to the business environment.

The book is divided into several key sections:

  • The Business Model Canvas: This centralised tool enables companies to present their business models on a single page. It helps managers to analyse all relevant aspects such as Customer relations, Sources of income and Core activities to visualise and analyse.
  • Innovation strategies: Osterwalder and Pigneur encourage us to constantly scrutinise existing models and find new approaches. They offer various approaches to developing innovative business strategies - an important aspect in the Change management.
  • Collaboration and feedback: Another focus is on the importance of teamwork and the involvement of various stakeholders in the development process. The exchange of ideas not only promotes creativity, but also improves the chances of realising new concepts.

"The The future gehört nicht denen, die know, wie es geht, sondern denen, die bereit sind, es zu tun.“ – Alexander Osterwalder

One of the outstanding features of this book is the combination of theory and practical examples. Numerous case studies from various industries give readers a realistic insight into successful business models. These practical insights are particularly valuable for managers in the Financial management, Resource managementor even in facility management.

Whether you are an established entrepreneur or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, "Business Model Generation" provides you with valuable tools to adapt to changing markets. The book is available on Amazon.de and represents a worthwhile investment in your professional development.

These books not only offer valuable insights into various aspects of management, but are also practical guides for the personal development of every manager. Whether you want to improve in the areas of time management or innovation management - you will find the right starting point here.

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